Tuesday, August 27, 2013

How to Be The Supporting Beam

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where your girlfriend or boyfriend was in a really bad way, and you didn't really know what you could do to help? Sometimes you feel powerless, helpless to fix the problems that he or she is suffering from.

What do you do? What can you do to help? Are you truly useless if you can't figure anything out? There's gotta be something you can do to ease the pain, isn't there? That's your job as a member of a relationship, right?

Well,  yes and no. Yes, it is your responsibility to be there for your significant other, to do what you can to help. However, even if you think there's nothing you can do to help, I'm here to tell you that there is always something you can do to help.

You can be there.

You can give your shoulder for him or her to cry on. You can offer words of support and encouragement. You can hold him or her close, and say that everything will be alright. You can show that you can be strong enough for the both of you in dire times.

You can simply exist.

Just don't ignore your significant other, and you're already doing something to help. When you think you might not be doing anything, just by being there and caring is doing your share. It sounds simple, yes, and perhaps even lazy, but it isn't. It takes plenty of emotional energy to comfort someone in their times of great need. A simple pat on the back along with a "It's gonna be okay" is sometimes more than enough.

Just remember that you aren't a miracle worker. You can't fix all the problems that come your way. Try to, and you will crash and burn out. You will forget that you need to help yourself along the way, and it will eat away at you inside. You'll lose yourself, and, potentially, you'll lose your mind.

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